Save electronics.
Save resources.
Save energy.
Tune® is a first-of-its-kind device that reduces heat and disruptive noise in your electrical system, protecting your electronics and appliances.
We have partnered with Tune® Energy to provide you with a solution to lower skyrocketing electrical costs. Tune® is simple. Just install it, then save on your electric bills.* It silently works around the clock to deliver savings. It doesn’t require software to manage it, and no Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to monitor, so you can keep your attention on what’s important. Tune® has been rigorously tested in UL Labs to do precisely what’s expected. Tune® a passive device that doesn’t use electricity to do its job, so there are no further costs after installation. Tune® designed to fit and function neatly within your breaker box to deliver optimal savings.
Tune® might not talk to you, but it is likely the smartest device you’ll ever buy. A true electric bill saver, once installed, you do nothing but watch your savings grow. Your appliances and electronics live longer, and healthier lives as Tune® helps you achieve your green initiatives. Now that’s a smart device.
What is disruptive noise?
Disruptive noise (current harmonics) and heat is created by modern electronics and appliances. In simpler times, motors, pumps, appliances, and other electrical devices were either on or off. These devices didn’t generate harmonics. Our modern electronics and appliances, on the other hand, draw variable energy and create noise and heat.
Technically, harmonics happen when non-linear loads are connected to your electrical system. Any device that converts AC power to DC (high frequency) power is non-linear and creates harmonics. This includes just about every modern device in your home or business today. The culprits are literally all around you. In fact, if the power supply (transformer) for any of your electronics has ever been hot to the touch, you’ve experienced harmonics.